Monday, September 21, 2009

You know those movies.

Everybody knows those movies. Back in the 80's where every single male character had slicked back hair, a very poor mustache/beard combination and the big, black sunglasses. Those days were a nightmare, I'm sure. The style itself is a nightmare.

What's even worse is deciding to put your hair up, not realising you are in fact reliving these days and the style (or just plain living them, since I was born after this era), until that night. 8 hours, at least of looking like a bad 80's movie star. And not a good one, either. A very, very bad one.
And so, ladies and gentlemen blog followers, I present to you, my recreation of a bad 80's movie star, on a good day, when the style was at its worse.

Bad 80's style


And now, to distract you:


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Why does no one belive me?

I tell them this dog is plotting to take over the world, but nobody believes me!
I'm trying to save your lives here!

Plotting puppy


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous