English, Period 6. I'm so very over this retarded work. Which I don't do, surprisingly. The teacher isn't here, so I'm going to take advantage of that and do no work... which isn't really taking advantage of it, it's just a normal day, only now I get to listen to music. Lucky me.
Business management SAC today during lunch. Oh joy. I don't know how I went. I worry, though. I know I didn't get full marks. I'm thinking something along the lines of 65%.
Linh's in the city after her UMAT. Sending random messages. She knows what she's getting me for my birthday, but she won't tell me... Bitch. I keep getting random updates. "They have goldfish", "They have R2D2!", "I'm not going to tell you what you're getting for your birthday.". Meany. Although she hasn't sent that last one yet, I know she won't tell me any way.
I'm glad she's having fun after such a shitty evening and morning.
So I'm meant to be doing work off a sheet (Not going to happen), or the least I could do is work on on of the essays (I guess...), but I don't want to. I'm not lazy. I am PROCRASTINATION MAN! FIGHTING CRIME 5 MINUTES LATER! I'd make a costume, but if I hold out long enough, I won't have to.
I was reading Biccy's blog today. A small update by Biccy. She mentioned Shannyn and the pain came back. I tried to forget, because I know what remembering brings, and it brought it back today. I'll always remember her. Although we never met, how could I forget her. She had such a huge, resounding effect on me that I can't forget. But I can try not to think about it. I can try, but it can still be triggered off, like it was today. There's always going to be the trigger, with all girls I fall for. It still occasionally happens for Linh, but it's no where near as bad as Shannyn. Linh is easy to deal with it, because it's quick, not too painful, and forgotten soon after it's begun. The pain doesn't linger. It still does with Shannyn.
Our English sub has no clue what she's doing. Doesn't have a proper roster, doesn't remember names, or even try to remember names and faces. She let 6 people walk out of the class and not come back. Not because they stood up and left. They asked to go to the library. She's not a good teacher, and I can understand why.
I'm not sure what more to rant about. Or even talk about. I'll blog when I get home.
But before I go... I need to think of a signature for my blog. And my email. I'll see what I can work out, and if I can do it online.
Posted via email from Erebus's posterous