Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Harden the fuck up"

Because I'm way too sensitive, and the second time I watched this, I felt like crying. I mean seriously... What the fuck?

Just in case it doesn't work...

Although I must admit it's very well done, and the lack of voice acting adds to the effect on the audience, it's from explosm.net... Anything from them is hardly "cry-worthy".

And yes, I am going to be that guy in this situation, one day in the future:
"Today, I went to watch the Movie "UP." At one point in the movie I got really sad and started to cry a bit. The 7 year old girl next to me noticed and told me to shut and man up. FML"
Not really looking forward to it, but it's bound to happen to me. Good fun.


On a side note, I'm really hungry. Only 30 mins until I head down to the shops (which is only a 5 minute walk), and get "lunch", and some snack stuff for all 2 people spending the night. Of the 4 that I invited, 3 will show up, 1 has to leave at 10:30, since he has a lecture tomorrow, and 1 can't come. No idea why.I have all of 4 friends that can actually make it to celebrate my birthday all night, 1 can't come, 1 leaves early. Fun... I do plan on having a real party when I get back from Vietnam in November, but that will be after I've planned out how to get to Darwin, and what else I'm going to do for the rest of my summer, before being forced to work.
Lets see how that goes.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous