I don't fucking care!
I don't feel like talking! I just want to sit down and watch TV.
I already told you what yesterday was like. I walked in the door, and you fucking asked me. I told you. "I went to the city with Sarah. It was fun. We didn't see a movie. We ran into Linh. It was a good day."
The last thing I want, when I'm already pissed of is for you to force small talk, and already ask me about something you know the answer to. I was going downstairs when you asked. I was going downstairs for a reason.
My biggest pet peeve is being forced to listen to people chewing. Normally, I can deal with it. But being forced to listen to you, chewing, loudly, mouth open just grinds my fucking gears, and makes me want to scream at you! SHUT THE FUCK UP! MOUTH FUCKING CLOSED WHEN YOU CHEW!
I don't want to talk! I just want to fucking watch the god damn TV! Don't ask me what I'm looking at on the internet. i don't see how it's any of your goddamn business!
Pursue the Darkness