Sunday, February 14, 2010


Here I was prepared to link the first image I found after searching "Fantastic" in google images, and I realised I had no idea how to properly make an image appear as an image on here. Has it really been that long? I guess it has.

Instead, I decided to find an old post with an image, and just change the source code, so it would all work.

I went back too far.

Back to my very first blog.

The good old days, where Linh hadn't ditched me for a bunch of randoms, talking to Linh about how terrified of talking to I was Shannyn.

Terrified of scaring her off, saying something I'd regret, doing something stupid. Knowing I how felt with her, but being so unsure of myself.

Situations have changed. I can get drunk now. But that's not all. I'd like to think I'm more mature. Have more life experience.

I can talk to other people about Shannyn, though it's not the same as it was once. Not nearly the same.

Reading through old blogposts is probably the last thing I want to do know. I'm much better than I was. No longer depressed. I drop sometimes, but it's not nearly as frequent, or as severe.

I don't want to go back there.

College starts tomorrow. I have absolutely no idea what's happening, when I start, anything. 40 hours of study, per week. 10 per subject. 16 assessments over each 12 week trimester. It's going to be a lot of work. Fun, but hard.

*insert sexual innuendo signoff*

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

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