Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Destroying your childhood.

Imagine, if you will, an old episode of Scooby Doo, where the person in the costume runs around scaring people for the hidden treasure. The gang sets up a trap and everything goes wrong, but somehow, they catch the bad guy and everything is all good. Now imagine, that the guy in the suit, is not actually a suit, and it's actually a real monster. Now imagine that rather than scaring people, the monster is killing people. Let's keep imagining, now, that the gang shows up, sets up a trap and everything goes wrong. Not hard to imagine, since it happens in every episode, but this time, let's go with everything goes wrong, but they don't catch the monster. Instead, the monster chases them down, captures, and kills them. Let's take a small step back, now. Rather than just killing the gang, the monster tortures them, keeping them alive for days on end, and just before they die, he heals them before returning to the torture.

Currently, that's what it feels like is happening to me. Everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong, and I am being tortured. Only instead of being tortured by a monster, I am torturing myself. I know it's my fault, but I must be on a horrible self-destructive streak, because almost everything I do makes things worse.

I hate myself.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

She'll never know.

She'll never know how important she was to me.

She'll never know how much I cared about her.

She'll never know how she made me feel.

She'll never know much I loved having her in my life.

She'll never know how much I loved talking to her.

She'll never know how beautiful I thought she was, every time I saw her.

She'll never know how much I admired her.

She'll never know how much I loved her.

But most importantly, she'll never know how much I hate myself for causing this.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

It wasn't her...

It was me. I guess Linh was right when she said Shannyn and I would be perfect for each other. We're similar in so many ways.

I even hurt Linh the same way Shannyn hurt me.

Shannyn hurt me so badly, that I had to leave.

I hurt Linh so badly she had to leave.

I understand now, why we cannot be friends again.

I'm sorry.

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I'm not sure what hurts more.

The realisation that Linh and Shannyn are incredily similar, except for the fact that Shannyn achieved in 6 months what took Linh 3 years, the fact that my heart has now been broken 4 times in one year (don't worry, there's still enough time to make it 5), or the fact that Linh, whose opinion I put above most others, managed to reassure me that I'm going to live and die alone. She knows me better than any one ever has. At least I thought she did. Now, I don't know what to believe.

What can I believe? Living alone, dying alone. That's going to happen regardless. Do I believe my "friends"? What few friends I have. Those who tell me I have so much to live for, and my whole life ahead of me. But what is a whole life? I see a whole life as from a person's birth, to their death. Does that mean some ones life who ends early was whole? No. They haven't had the chance to experience all the things a "whole" life should experience. Like marriage and children and happiness. But maybe some of us weren't meant to be happy. Maybe I'm not meant to be happy. Marriage, kids, happiness... They were all things I looked forward to.

But now it seems like it would be an impossible accomplishment for me to get that far. Will I get that far? Outlook is bleak. If I do, it won't last. Nothing ever lasts for me.

And so I just lie here, staring at the roof, doing nothing. Why bother with anything?

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." I can't do this much longer.

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It's incredible how much damage one person can do.

While another person can repair that damage almost instantaneously.

I feel like I've been here before.

Slightly different situation, but close enough.

I guess the pain never ends.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

You heard it here first.

Today I was reading MLIA, and realised not all the stories were average. Some of the were awesome. While trying to work out if there was a site for this, I realised the MLIA at the end of each story could stand for "My Life Is Awesome". MLIA

My first submited MLIA story.

I hope it goes through.

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Once again.

She's right.

She's always right.

It's my fault I'm here.

I got myself into this.

And now that I am in this, I don't know how to get out.

She deserves better than me, anyway. And I was a horrible friend.

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You have to suffer through the bad times to enjoy the good.

But sometimes I wonder. Are the good times frequent and enjoyable enough to be worth the suffering? Or is this just leading to one giant shit hole of a life?

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Friday, November 6, 2009

I always knew there'd be someone.

Someone nearby that I could trust. Someone I could tell anything. Someone I could talk to, and have fun with, and enjoy the company of, and would feel the same about me.

Someone who cared about me no matter what I did.

Someone who would always be there for me, to help me out when shit hit the fan.

Someone who would forgive me, no matter what I did.

Someone who would love me, no matter how much I hated my self.

Someone who would love me for me.

Someone I could tell my secrets, and not have to worry about them telling someone else.

Someone who wouldn't talk about me behind my back.

Someone I could trust with anything.

It's good to have someone like that in your life.


Never mind.

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Yes, it's a dedication. To whom, you decide. I guess it depends on whether you want to pretend we ended on good terms and that the song reminded me of some one else.


Skillet - Open Wounds

In the dark with the music on
Wishing I was somewhere else
Taking all your anger out on me, somebody help
I would rather rot alone
Then spend a minute with you
I'm gone, I'm gone

And you can't stop me from falling apart
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault

How could you, how could you, how could you hate me?
When all I ever wanted to be was you?
How could you, how could you, how could you love me?
When all you ever gave me were open wounds?

Downstairs the enemy sleeps
Leaving the TV on
Watching all the dreams we had turn into static
Doesn't matter what I do
Nothing's gonna change
I'm never good enough

And you can't stop me from falling apart
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault


Tell me why you broke me down and betrayed my trust in you
I'm not giving up, giving in when will this war end?
When will it end??

You can't stop me from falling apart [3X]
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault.


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I guess that's it then.

With you gone, I've only got my internet friends.

Don't tell me I don't. I was introduced to a new friend, but oh look, just like everybody else, she wants nothing to do with me.

Internet friends. Can they be called that?

If they knew something was wrong, I know of only one who would try to stop it. One person outside of my family, and they live on the other side of the fucking world.

I was happy for you. I still am. You have friends. You have value.

But when you got friends and started ignoring me, I needed support more than ever.

You have value. Use it. Do everything you can to make your mark on the world.

God knows it's too late for me.

I'll see you in Hell.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm out

Nice to know our friendship means so little.

I tried. I did stupid things. Everybody does stupid things. But you don't care.

Tell me. Is it lonely all the way up there on your high horse?

You're not better than anyone. I have the urge to say you're worse than a few people, but that would be a lie. I know plenty of people worse than you. And you were the best person in my life for 3 years.

But why would that matter? How could that possibly mean anything to you now?

Seems everytime I try, you find something to bring me down. Something that can temporarily destroy me. And you use it to the best of your ability.

But you don't care any more. I do. I've always cared.

When you called and said you took pills while I was in another country, i thought I would never see you again. Nothing has scared me more.

When I caught the early bus without you, because I was hanging with Richard. You took the pills and I had an ambulance called for you. When you cancelled that ambulance, I was terrified.

Everytime you threatened your own life, I became terrified. Everytime I thought I made a mistake that tipped you over the edge, I freaked out.

But you don't care. Why would you?

I can see that I mean so little to you now.

And if you disagree with any of this, maybe you should find a way to prove it, rather than just telling me. Wouldn't want you to get my hopes up.


Pursue the Darkness

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's interesting that we've been in this situation before.

Only this time, we changed places.

It seems lately, eveything to do with us has swapped. Not the exact same situation, but still swapped.

She'd get upset and depressed because I'd pay more atention to my friends, but I still paid attention to her.

So how am I supposed to feel when she stops paying attention, mid-sentence to run up and hug her friend, and then her and her friends completely lock me out of all conversation. I try to join in, and they all completely ignore me.

I know those particular friends hate me, but I was trying to be civil, to no avail.

I was then told to "go get [my] stuff." I did. On my return, i was told I could "leave if [I] want[ed]" since Linh would be haning around for a while. I realised the only reason she invited me out for lunch was because I said I was going to ask her if she wanted to grab lunch together. Which was completely true.

But the way she said it, coupled with her actions, it became apparent that she didn't want me there.

She's my best friend. I was hers. Was. Seems I'm not any more.

It's harder to hang out now that we've graduated. It'll be much harder to stay in touch.

But if she's not going to make an effort to stay friends, why should I bother?

Her actions recently have given the impression, "Sure, we can stay friends. We mean a lot to each other and we'll always be freinds. As long as there's no one else to hang out with, because I'm going to take every opportunity to get rid of you, using my other friends. It's not you, it's me. I just prefer hanging with other people and don't care about you any more. But the only time I can show it is when my other friends are present."


Yesterday was an overall good day.

English exam was easy as shit. One of the questions I asked my English teacher inadvertently answered the exam question, so I already had the answer planned out.

Voxi is a shit and should die in a god damn fire. Worst analysis peice ever.

Context turned from a speech to fellow year 12s to a motivational speech to an army heading into a battle, and then back into a speech to fellow year 12s.


After the exam was the... ugliness with Linh.

I went home, got the largets Macca's meal I've ever had. A large Mighty Angus meal, with a double beef and bacon burger. Delicious.

I then spent most of my day, downstairs on my laptop, watching TV. I was home alone, so there was fun to be had.

Then, my brother and his girlfriend arrived home. They were in a rush, because his drinking buddy was coming over. I thought that was normal.

When the doorbell rang, I went up and saw her, because she's awesome, and is like the drunk, smoking, lesbian sister everybody loves. She wasn't coming in. They were going out to a movie. Saw VI. She invited me (thanks for the invite, brother), and I went. It was with her, her sister, my brother and his girlfriend.

I mentioned that I hadn't seen Saw V. On Wednesday, they rocked up at shool, were Matt worked, and put it on the projector in the hall. I wasn't invited. His drinking buddy seemed more upset about that than I was.

For dinner, I had a hot dog and chips combo, a large popcorn and a large drink. During the movie.

Saw VI was gruesome and gory, and I kept eating. Tasty food.

I don't know what happened to me last night, whether it was the movie, or hanging with friends, that I never hang with properly, btu I changed.

Ness (my brother's drinking buddy) warned her sister that I was quiet, kept to myself. Not last night I didn't.

I used my social commentary on Saw to turn it from a horror gore film into a comedy. Lucky I was sitting next to Ness's sister. ;)

I was loud, making sexual innuendos, both straight and gay at every oppotunity I got. Something happened to me last night. And it was awesome. but I may have freaked out Cass (Ness's sister) a bit.

Because of my crazy antics last night, how ever, I have been invited to Ness's girlfriends place, with Cass. We'll have the place to ourselves and will either have a Saw or Supernatural marathon. I'm looking forward to it.

I've also been invited to their next drinking night, either here or at her place.

I'm so glad I went last night. I had heaps of fun and I look forward to tonight, and every drinking night I'm involved in from now on.

It was a good day.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I hate having a non-private blog incase I'm having troubles with someone and they read it.

God dammit...

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Very angry rant.

I don't fucking care!

I don't feel like talking! I just want to sit down and watch TV.

I already told you what yesterday was like. I walked in the door, and you fucking asked me. I told you. "I went to the city with Sarah. It was fun. We didn't see a movie. We ran into Linh. It was a good day."

The last thing I want, when I'm already pissed of is for you to force small talk, and already ask me about something you know the answer to. I was going downstairs when you asked. I was going downstairs for a reason.

My biggest pet peeve is being forced to listen to people chewing. Normally, I can deal with it. But being forced to listen to you, chewing, loudly, mouth open just grinds my fucking gears, and makes me want to scream at you! SHUT THE FUCK UP! MOUTH FUCKING CLOSED WHEN YOU CHEW!

I don't want to talk! I just want to fucking watch the god damn TV! Don't ask me what I'm looking at on the internet. i don't see how it's any of your goddamn business!



Pursue the Darkness

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

The fortune cookie is wrong.

"You are realistic and people relate to you."

I'm not realistic. I guess people relate to me. But it's still wrong.


On to today...

Was forced to get out of bed before 8am so I could babysit my two cousins. They're old enough to not need a babysitter. And it wasn't exactly like I was the only one home to do it. But I had to do it, which is complete bullshit.

So I babysat them for a while. Watched TV for the most part, then played games and answered annoying questions from the younger cousin about my game.

I then caught a train and met up with Sarah. First time meeting her in real life. She's pretty cool. And cute. But I can't see a relationship with her. She seems more like a drinking buddy than a girlfriend. We don't have enough in common to date.

We grabbed MacDonald's for lunch, which she bought for me (owed birthday present). We hung out in Melbourne Central, before slowly wandering to Federation Square and hanging out there for a while. We then met up with Linh, who was in the city for the TOEFL and study. We messed around in the city with Linh and ended up buying some foam swords, fighting in MC and on the train home.

Sarah ended up leaving us at Noble Park, while me and Linh waited until Dandenong, to try catch a movie before finally heading home. Turned out there were no good movies on, so we just messed around in Dandenong for a while. We talked and had fun, and I'm glad our relationship isn't any different from before school finished. I mean before the fight as well. So a few weeks before school finished.

Overall, it was a fairly good day.

But now, I'm tired as hell. And it's only 9:40.

Not really anyone to talk to online. Sarah doesn't really reply on MSN. Linh's upset, I don't know why. She doesn't want to talk.

That's all there is to talk to.

Guess I'll just head off to sleep soon. Not much reason to stay awake now.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

School songs...

I'm going to miss the old place. I already do. So I guess it's time to recall all the old songs. Let's begin.

Vivat Haileyburia!

In altera terra though we’re set,
Vivat Haileyburia!
The older school we’ll not forget
Vivat Haileyburia!
United still by crest and name, ‘
Lift up your hearts’
in song proclaim,
and show forth Haileyburia’s fame,
Vivat Haileyburia!


Then shout a thousand voices all,
Vivat Haileyburia!
Our Shool of old we now recall
Vivat Haileyburia!
But whatso’er their fame of youre,
We’ve yet a mind to make it more,
Our age of gold still lies before
Vivat Haileyburia!
Then Vivat, Vivat round the board,
Vivat Haileyburia!
And yet once more with louder chord,
Vivat Haileyburia!
For we’ve been boys and men together,
Have weilded bat and hunted leather,
When life was bliss in summer weather,
Vivat Haileyburia!

Then close your ranks and lift your song,
Vivat Haileyburia!
That life is short, but love is long;
Vivat Haileyburia!
And all through life, where’er we be,
School of our hearts we’ll think of thee,
And drink the toast with three times three,
Vivat Haileyburia!




And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.


Gaudeamus Igitur

Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus.
Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus.
Post jucundam juventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Nos habebit humus.

Vivat Academia!
Vivant Professores!
Vivat Academia!
Vivant Professores!
Vivat membrum quodlibet
Vivant membra wuaelibet,
Semper sint in flore!
Semper sint in flore!

Felices discipuli
Audaces discupuli
Floreat pulcherrima
Domus celeberrima
Alma mater nostra
Altera in terra.

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So much has happened.

I'm not exactly sure where to start.

Well, I graduated. I'm no longer a student. Graduation day was full of fun memories I plan to cherish, as well as regrets of things I'll never get the chance to do again. The tear-filled speeches made through out the day, the fear of never seeing my friends again.

Valedictory dinner was amazing. Foyster's speeches, the Student speeches, Framey's speech, Scotty's speech and the Teacher band was awesome. And screaming Jerusalem at the end, our own rendition will be something I never forget.

Now on to today:

This morning I found an email from Shannyn. She's coming to Melbourne. Soon. She wants to meet up.

I don't know that I could. She still has a boyfriend. I can't handle that. Seeing her, physically would make it real. I can't handle that. I don't want to go back to the way I was. Back to the miserable, confused wreck I was. And I was a wreck.

I loved her, and she broke my heart. More than once. I'd love to see her, to hold her. To try and make things work. But I know that doing so would be the biggest mistake of my life.

No. I can't do it. I can't go back to her.


Qantm Interview:

The interview was great. The interveiwer was awesome. She made me feel much more confident about it. I'm the "perfect candidate" for Games Design, and of the potential Games Designers she'd seen I "was the best [she'd] seen". I got a tour of the campus. Which was incredibly small, but the people there were having fun making games and it looked like the place I wanted to be.


The Five Greatest Warriors. Matthew Reilly's new book. I got a signed copy. It's awesome.


Pursue the Darkness

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm just thinking about my depression and what it has targetted over the year.

When Linh first broke up with me, I was terrified that I'd die alone.

When Shannyn stopped talking to me for all those months, I was terrified I'd die alone.

I was able to survive that. It would strike once a week, and for the rest of the week, I'd be fine. I'd be fine because I knew I wouldn't die alone. I might not have gotten married. But I wouldn't have been alone as long as I had friends. So my friends started to become seperate of me. That was my doing. I didn't like hanging in the library constantly because I couldn't eat or drink there. So I moved to a new spot. Linh came with me. We had some good times there.

And I think that's why I started to become so dependent on her. Because she became the only one to hang out with me. The only one to talk to me. So my depression became slightly more frequent. With a different agenda. I may never get married, but I could get through it as long as I had Linh. Not my friends. Just Linh. And that wasn't fair on her.

So when she started hanging with other people, I felt like I was losing her. My depression saw it's opening and it struck. It struck hard, and it tried to consume me. It almost did.

I didn't think I could survive anything without Linh. I thought losing Linh would destroy me. And that's why it almost did.

By thinking that losing her would destroy me, I let it almost destroy me. But I am stronger than that.

I can beat this. I will beat this.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All school today did

Was reaffirm how completely alone I am.

No one wanted me to sign their shirts or dresses. I had to ask.
No one wanted to sign my shirt. I had to ask.
No one wanted to sit next to me for the Year 12 Revue. I didn't bother asking.

Even Linh. Under the circumstances, I'd normally say it was understandable. But it may well be the last time I'll ever see her, excluding OHA meetings.

And now with the end of Year 12, I am completely seperated from my friends. Completely seperated from human contact.

It was nice to know that I wasn't completely alone when I arrived home, but the after effects of her company can only last so long.

And with her gone, I am once again, completely alone.

I feel completely alone.

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Like a puzzle coming together

The pieces fit. It makes sense. How can it make sense? Because the depression forces it to.

She doesn't want to hang out with me. That's fine.
She doesn't want to take photos with me. That's fine too.
She doesn't want me to sign her dress. That doesn't make much sense, but okay.
She doesn't want to see me. under the circumstances, understandable.

But put it together.

She doesn't want to remember me.

And that hurts.

Can I blame her? i guess not.

I wouldn't want to remember me either.

I'm going to be that one that every single person knows by face and by name. But when it comes down to staying in touch, I'll fade away. A memory. It's all I'll be in the end. And even that will soon fade away in the minds of my fellow peers.

It's the last day of school. Everybody gathers around, getting their shirts and dresses signed. Making sure to try stay in touch. Asking people to sign their shirts, and asking to sign other shirts.

But not me. I ask people to sign my shirt, and they're reluctant. I ask to sign people's shirts and they hesitate.

It's not until the final day, the final chance, the final opportunity, that I realised how completely alone I really am.

And I do feel so alone.

Pursue the Darkness

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Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm glad

I'm glad she had such a great day today.

I just hate not being inclued in it.

Guess I'm going to bed depressed again.

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A constant reminder

Of the monster I am.

How do I show how much I hate myself for what I've said and done? How do I show how much I regret everything I put her through?

A simple "I'm sorry" is worthless. I could say "I'm sorry" a billion times over, and it would still not be close to how sorry I am, how much I regret it.

I despise myself for my actions. More than that. I hate myself. I do. Hate is a strong word. I don't know why I used it against her. The subconscious monster I am pulled that word, with no proof. No reasoning behind it. It pulled that, of all words. And I used it. Against the one person who was always there for me. Who always helped me out. And for what? Because she wasn't there for me any more? She was. She's always been there for me. I used it because she wanted to hang out with other people. People not me. That's no excuse.

I have no excuse. My abhorrent behaviour as of late makes me hate, loathe and despise myself. I can't bear to look at myself in the mirror. I hate myself. I'm lucky that where I am sitting doesn't reflect my face back at me. Or the face of the monster I let myself become.

I know I've posted this song, or these lyrics before, but that was back when the chorus best explained my situation. This time, it's the lyrics that best explain my situation.


Skillet - Never Surrender

Do you know what it's like when
You're scared to see yourself?
Do you know what it's like when
You wish you were someone else

Who didn't need your help to get by?
Do you know what it's like
To wanna surrender?

I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better, I wanna feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender
Never surrender

Do you know what it's like when
You're not who you wanna be?
Do you know what it's like to
Be your own worst enemy
Who sees the things in me I can't hide?
Do you know what it's like
To wanna surrender?

I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better, I wanna feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender

Make me feel better, you make me feel better
You make me feel better, put me back together

I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better, I need to feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender

Put me back together
Never surrender, make me feel better
You make me feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender


I beg for forgiveness. But I don't know why. I want to be forgiven.  Not just by Linh. Not just by those I've hurt recently. But by myself. I want to be able to forgive myself. But it may very well be a long time before I can do that. Longer, perhaps, than when the others I've hurt can forgive me. And I do want them to forgive me.

But what's the use of being forgiven, if you can't forgive yourself?

Can I forgive myself? The way I've acted recently, I may never forgive myself. I have no excuse for what I did. No doctor's note. No "Get out of jail free" card. I have nothing to use to be forgiven. Especially by myself.

I know this has seemed to become my catchphrase in the past few months. Possibly even years. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to forgive myself.

I have no doubt that Linh will forgive me. We can hold an adult conversation. We nod at each other, and we each understand the meanings of each nod. But she won't sit next to me. She won't talk to me unless I ask some one else to get her for me. Can I blame her? No. If someone acted the way I have towards her, not just in the past week or so, but in our entire relationship, both dating and friendship, I don't think I would be able to act as civil as Linh is towards me.

So why does it feel like today was the last day I'll ever see her. The last conversation I'll ever have with her. So many last things between us already. So many things that will never happen again. I don't want today to be the last conversation I have with her. The last time I see her face. But I don't control that. I can't control that.

I have so many regrets. So many things I could have done differently. So many things I should have done differently. So many things I wish I could go back and do right. But it's not just that. So many things I wish I had done when I had the chance. Lost opportunities I'll never get back. So many lost opportunities.

There's so much I can do. There's so much I can't do.

I'm terrified that today was the last time I'll ever see Linh. Ever talk to her. I love her. She's my best friend. And losing her like this. Losing her at all.

It scares the hell out of me.

I hope it all works out between us. I really do.

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Citizen Me

Citizen Kane. A megalomaniac, pushing those he cares about away in a misguided want to be loved.

Am I so different? The recent events with my best friend, all my friends, my family. Every one close to me. The recent events with them has caused me to think I'm not so different.

I'm not so different from Kane. That's depressing. I don't plan on going into politics to be loved by the voters. I want to love and be loved. So I do as Kane does. I push people away in a futile attempt to cling to them. Hold them so tight, that they can't breathe. So they escape. They leave.

Can I blame them? I don't think I should. It's not their fault I am the way I am. I just need to fix it. It won't be easy. But it will be well worth it, in the end. I just hope I make it work out.

We'll see.

Pursue the Darkness

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

There's no excuse for that.

My bahaviour towards my best friend as of late has been absolutely deplorable, despicable and disgusting.

Which is why I don't blame her for not wanting to talk to me. Or see me.

I don't know what's been happening this past week or so, but my behaviour towards those close to me has dropped, significantly.

I've spent almost all day weeding out the reasons why that is. I've spent the rest of the time hoping Linh doesn't hate me. She doesn't. But she is furious. And with very good reason.

I wish we could go back to the way we were. Happy, friendly, messing around the way we did. But I don't think we'll ever be that close again. I don't think she'll let us get that close again. I hope she does.

She has good reason not to, of course. She did what she could to make everything work. I don't know why I took it so personally. I know what's wrong with me, thanks to Brian. Now I just need to save myself, and my friends from it. I need to stop it.

I hope she forgives me soon. But I can understand if she doesn't.

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Gone for good.

Christ, I'm an idiot.

I let my emotions take control. I let him take control. And everything goes to shit.

I've lost, possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Forever. I love her. She tried to help. She tried so very hard. And I got upset for that. I got upset because she tried to help me do something she knew I couldn't do on my own. Something I needed her help with. Something I needed her friends help with. And I forced her away. I forced her away because I'm an idiot.

I didn't want to lose her. I wanted her to understand. Understand why I hurt so much. And now I hurt even more.

I don't think I can ever fix this. We'll never be as close as we once were, only a few weeks ago.


Something's happening to me. I'm losing my grip on sanity. I'm losing control.

I need to figure out how to stop this. How to get him out of my head, or get him on my side.

I can't risk this happening again. I can't risk losing her like this again. I'd be fine if we drited apart because we were both so busy that we couldn't see each other. But this... Not like this. Never like this.

I need to find myself. Find who I am. I need to be comfortable with that. Or else this will keep happening, and I'll end up with nothing. I don't want to end up with nothing. I want to have friends who like me for me. But if I don't take complete control of this thing inside my skull, it will never happen.

I need to take control. I need to win. I don't have any other choice.

This is a battle only I can be involved in. Only I can fight for.

This battle has to end.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Everything comes together for her.

As everything falls apart for me.

I feel like I've got nothing left.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

I guess that's the difference between you and me.

Through all your suicide attempts, through all the shit you went through, I was there. I was always there. You tried to cut the ties, but failed, and I was there no matter what.

Now that the tables have turned, I need you there. I need you there, and you're not. So now it's time for me to cut the ties. I won't fail like you did.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Would it matter?

Skillet - Would it Matter


if I wasn’t here tomorrow would anybody care
if my time was up I’d wanna know
You were happy I was there

if I wasn’t here tomorrow would anyone lose sleep
if I wasn’t hard and hollow
Then maybe you would miss me

I know I’m a mess and I wanna be someone
Someone that I’d like better
I can never forget, so don’t remind me of it forever

What if I just pulled myself together
Would it matter at all
What if I just tried not to remember
Would it matter at all
All the chances that have passed me by
Would it matter if I gave it one more try
Would it matter at all

if I wasn’t here tomorrow would anybody care
Still stuck inside this sorrow
I got nothin’ and going nowhere

Post bridge
I know I’m a mess and I wanna be someone
Someone that I’d like better
Can you help me forget, don’t wanna feel like this forever

If I left tomorrow would anybody care
Stuck in this sorrow
Going nowhere


Would it matter?

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What's holding me here?

Because right now it feels like nothing.

I need help.

I need a reason.

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I give up.

I'm losing my grip on sanity. On happiness. On everything.

It's slipping, and it's not coming back.

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Another fuck up.

She's right. I need to get used to being alone.

The few friends I have are leaving. The one friend I truly care about is still pissed at me, although now she's talking to me. And the little time we have together, I'm a depressed shit. I piss her off even more. We argue. We fight. I leave.

I can't do this any longer. It's too much. How can I hold on to a world where my only ties are video games, a forum where my "friends" are people I will never meet, I rarely talk to, and who don't genuinely care about me, and .

My family cares, but I barely see them enough. I'm always alone in my room. I'm always alone.

Who else is there? Teachers? Four days from now, they can stop caring. They will stop caring.

What's left? My friends? After Haileybury, they'll forget about me. I'll fade away into memory.

Seems like the only people who have ever missed me were the guys in my guild on WoW. If only because they need me. Tank, DPS, Healing. That's all I am to them. Not a person. A pixelated character, who will stop them from taking damage, who will help them kill something, or who will keep them alive. They don't care about my feelings. They don't care about me as a person.

It's getting to the point where there's nothing left. Nothing left for me, as a person. Nothing left to hope for. Nothing left to hang around for.

I've sought help and it has been of no use. Even this, typing it out, getting it off my chest, does nothing. It does not make me feel better. It does not make me feel.

I'm sick of this. Sick of running from the truth. Sick of hiding from the truth. Sick of protecting myself. I have one friend. Is it a relationship if only one person is committed? No. Is it a friendship if only one person is a friend? I guess not.

How can I do this any more? How can I go on? I can't. But I don't have a choice. She gave me two options. We both know there are really three. But option number three isn't really an option. It's a mistake. A mistake that i can't make until I'm well and truly alone. No friends. No family. No one to worry about me.

It won't be too long. And it's better than the alternative.

Pursue the Darkness

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I can't hang out in a large group.

Three other people is the most I can hang out with. Talk with. Be friends with.


Because I'm always "that" one in the group. The one that is only real friends with one person. The one that gets ignored by everyone else. The one that, when has an opinion on something, someone quickly starts talking over the top of me, managing to change the subject along the way, to something I have no opinion on. Something I can't talk about. Something I don't care about. I've never worked well in a group. I've never enjoyed working in a large group. If forced into it by teachers for school work, I do it. I take control of the group, knowing my opinion won't be heard any other way. And then I take into account, my experiences from large groups. So I ask for other peoples opinions. Try to get some input.

But they're like me. They lock up when asked in a group. When someone other than them has control. When they feel like their opinion isn't being heard, or people are talking about things they have no interest in. When they are left out of any conversation, left to think about the important opinions they have, that will never be heard. The heights they could reach, if only someone paid attention to them. What they could do with their lives, if someone pretended to care.

And even if I enter the group. I dared to enter. Why did I dare? Because I want to spend time with my best friend. And my best friend, again, ditches me to be with other people. Leaving me alone. I got one sentence from her. I was there for 30 seconds before the group broke apart. Before I was left alone. Always alone.She ditched me to hang with her new friends. I won't see her at lunch. I may not see her on the bus on the way home. I've seen her for all of 35 minutes this week. I'm going through a hard time. She knows. Does she care? Of course she does. How could she not? She's just so sick of dealing with my crap that, although she cares, she puts other people first. Other activities first. She's just like everybody else. She means so much to me, but she's grown tired of my company. How can I blame her? If I ever met myself, I'd grow tired of my company in the first 5 minutes.

I guess I should be thankful that it's happening now. That she gave me the amount of time that she did. But I still hate it. Everybody says "everything will be fine." Will it? How d you know? What proof do you have? I feel like I'm being replaced. I know I'm not really. There's so little time of school left that she should make the friends she can. But I, of course, can't. I don't want more friends. I don't want to find more reasons to hang on to this tiny thread of happiness. The harder I hold on, the worse it is when I fall. And I fall so often, I'm sick of it. I'm tired of it. I'm done with happiness. I'm done with friends.

I was always going to be alone. I should have done what needed to be done when I had the chance. But now I'm in too deep. Too deep to escape. There's no way out.

Pursue the Darkness

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So this is what an anxiety attack feels like.

The thoughts pounding in my head. Rushing. Making no sense. Crashing inside my head, my heart. My heart speeds up. My breathing becomes shallow and weak. I hyperventilate. My body screams. My mind screams. But I cannot. I scratch at my skull, as the thoughts increase in speed and severity.

I can't handle it. The thoughts, the screaming, the pain inside my head. The pressure.

Even worse, not knowing why. I can't make sense of my thoughts. I don't know what set it off.

I can't concentrate. I cant play games. I can't work. I can't have fun. What can I do?

I'm completely alone.

My best friend won't talk to me. My other friends don't care about me unless they're going to the city. The only one I can trust out of them to help, I never see.

The niggling at the back of my head is forever present. I just want to grab it and rip. It hurts. And it creates thoughts. And it eats at me. Oh, it does eat at me.

And when I'm the only one that knows about it. When I'm the only one that can stop it. I realise how worthless I am to this world.

I can't stop it. It's too powerful.

I need help.

Pursue the Darkness

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How much longer can I keep up this charade?

This was a question I asked myself today. At lunch. How long can I keep it up? How long will I last? A year? 6 months? Surely I can keep it up that long.

Apparently not. One and a half hours. I lasted one and a half hours. 5 minutes into IT, I broke down. I couldn't take it. The pressure became too much. I couldn't do it. I began hyperventilating and did absolutely no work. I was going to stay back and do work after school, but I couldn't do it. I'm too far gone.

Even now, playing games, the pressure is there. The pressure to work, the pressure to do well, the pressure to get into university. The pressure of everything. I can't handle it.

I'm losing it. I need help.

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Another lonely day.

Another day of mind-numbing, friend-less babble.

I need human contact. People to talk to. Being left alone with my thoughts is a very bad thing right now. And unfortunately, that's all I have.


Pursue the Darkness

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I missed the train.

If only because the van in front of us took a full minute to get around the round-a-bout at the train station. Giving the train enough time to pull in, open the doors, let everybody off and on, and then leave.

But that's not my main concern right now.


Last night, Linh and I had a fight. A big one.
But she finally got what she wanted. She forced me away. There was no way I could handle her, as I began dropping. So I let go. I let her go. The things I said to her were horrible. I didn't mean them. I just wanted to hurt her. The things she said to me were horrible. I hope she didn't mean them.

Wouldn't surprise me if she did mean them. I guess I've given her enough crap to deal with, and I keep piling it on. She's better off without me. Seems like everybody is.

It appears to be coming to the point where the only person I can trust is the person I hate. I know he hates me. I know he'll insult me. And I can trust that won't change in the week and a half of school we have left, since we've hated each other for the past few years.

I really am losing them. I'm losing Linh. Richard was lost a long time ago. Not just to me, but to our group of friends all together. Jack and I were never really that close. Nathan and I used to go bike riding, but that hasn't happened for many years. Now he only talks to me in English, and even then, it's only when he wants or needs something. Steve. He's my last real friend. Even then, we fight every now and then, as friends do. We make up, as friends do. But if it's so easy to lose someone as close as Linh, how do I know I won't lose Steve?

I don't really have any other friends. Sarah, I talk to online, and we have yet to meet up in real life. Madi barely talks to me, and I don't blame her. She's a smart, beautiful girl who appears to be way out of my league. Shannyn's out of my life for good. I can't go back to her. I can't let myself make that mistake. The pain would kill me.

Linh's the only tangible friend I have left, since I can't see Steve every day. And I can't talk to her today. Looks like I'm all alone. "You are born alone, and you damn sure die alone." Looks like I'm going to be living alone as well.

I really should have seen this coming.

I don't know why I didn't.

Skillet put it fairly well.


Skillet - Say Goodbye

Things are changing
It seems strange that I need to figure this out
You've got your life, I've got mine
But you're all I cared about
Yesterday we were laughing
Today I'm left asking
Where has all the time gone now?
I'm left alone somehow
Growing up and getting older
I don't wanna believe it's over

Don't say goodbye
'Cause I don't wanna hear those words tonight
'Cause maybe it's not the end for you and I
And although we knew
This time would come for me and you
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye

Do you remember in December?
How we swore we'd never change
Even though you're leaving
Our feelings would always stay the same
I wish we could be laughing
Instead, I'm standing here asking
Do we have to end this now?
Can we make it last somehow?
We both knew what we've gotta say, not today
'Cause I don't wanna leave this way

Don't say goodbye
'Cause I don't wanna hear those words tonight
'Cause maybe it's not the end for you and I
And although we knew
This time would come for me and you
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye

Ind if it's over, it hurts but I'm giving you my word
I hope that you're always
Happy like we were, happy like we were

Don't say goodbye
'Cause I don't wanna hear those words tonight
'Cause maybe it's not the end for you and I
And although we knew
This time would come for me and you
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye

Yesterday we were laughing
(If you're gonna say goodbye)
Today I am left here asking
(If you're gonna say goodbye)
And although we knew
This time would come for me and you
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye.


We both knew it would get to this point. One of us would fuck up so badly that the other left. I guess I wasn't expecting us both to fuck up so badly.

I had a line about how I have things to look forward to, and I wanted Linh there to see it, but I realised how pathetic it sounded and decided not to leave that in.

And that's all I am really. Pathetic. Arousing pity through vulnerability or sadness. Sounds like me.

Maybe I can finish posting this on the bus, after Linh's got on, so I don't have to see her, or the pain I caused. Maybe she'll avoid me as well, so she can't see the pain she caused.

I'm sitting right at the front of the bus. I'm actually scared to face her after what happened last night. I want her to sit next to me when she gets on so we can apologise and move on, but I'm terrified of her sitting next to me. What to do?

I just need to keep my head down and hope for the best. Whether that be her sitting next to me, or not.

All i can do is hope.

Hope appears to be all I have left.

She missed the bus.

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I hate being confused and conflicted.


It's now period 3. I passed her during recess. She looked directly at me, then quickly looked away. I felt like such a shit for what I said, I couldn't even bring myself to apologise.

I did, however, send her an SMS, letting her know where I was, incase she wanted to talk. Something tells me she'd rather be with her other friends than me. It's been getting like that a lot lately.

She's my best friend. Her opinions influence my decisions. I genuinely care about what she thinks and how she feels. I feel like shit if I do something wrong. I feel like shit for what I did last night. I am shit.

She'd be better off if I just faded away into a distant memory. It would just about kill me, of course, but at least then she'd be happy.

Pursue the Darkness

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Maybe she was right.

I've spent so long seeking relationships, miserably single to start, and then almost constantly in a relationship or thinking about the person I would like to be in a relationship with.

Even now, mere days after removing Shannyn completely from my life, I'm trying to move on. I had a wonderful conversation with Madi, and I would love to get to know her better. Get to know her. That would involve dating. Am I trying to get a date with her because I actually like her? Because I'm trying to prove something?

Or is Linh right? Am I really only seeking companionship because I don't know who I really am, so I attempt to associate with others. So they can define who I am. And I can be who they are, or who they want me to be.

I don't want that. I know my interests. But I do sometimes get caught up in the interests of others. And relate to them. I force myself to relate to them. Sure, they're interesting topics, I'm not denying that. But it's not my greatest interest. It's not something I would call an interest if they hadn't brought it up.

Maybe I do need to stay single for a while.

Atleast until I learn who I am.


Pursue the Darkness

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Saturday, October 10, 2009


I don't hate her. I could never hate her. I love her.

But I try to hate her, because if I don't, then I will hold on, knowing maybe one day we could be together. One day.

But we can't. We can never be together. Not after what's happened. I said I hated her, because what she did to me was horrible, but it wasn't.

It was human. She was human.

I wanted to hurt her. That's human.

When dealing with a... break up, I guess. I don't know what else to call it. I guess that's what it was, for me any way.

When dealing with a break up, one person feels like crap. They're at the lowest point. Afterwards, they improve.

But they bring down the other person to where they were. And that's what I did.

I force myself to hate her, because I have to let go. It's the only way either of us can be happy. I can't sacrifice my happiness so she can be happy, and I can't ask her to do the same for me.

I know she's not stupid or blind. She just has a lot of stuff to work out.

She wants me to stay away. Not for her. But for me. To get my life back on track.

I'm trying to. I deleted her number from my phone. I remember her email, but I won't use it. I'm not confused. I know what I'm doing. For the first time in a long time, I know what I'm doing. And yes, it's for the greater good. But that doesn't mean I enjoy it now.

It's not easy. But I know it has to be done.


I, apparently, have a girl here. I'm not sure who that's meant to mean. Sarah? Sure, I hit on her, and make her laugh and everything, but she's more a drinking buddy than a girlfriend. We're too different. I don't think anything could come of it.

Madi... We haven't spoken in 8 months, excluding last night. Madi is incredibly beautiful. Incredibly beautiful. Not many girlsmake me do a double take, drop my jaw and stare in amazement at how incredibly, amazingly beautiful they are. But she has. I can't even begin to describe how incredibly beautiful she is.

But she's way out of my league.

Way out of my league.

She is incredibly beautiful, smart, funny. She made me laugh. I think I made her laugh.And we had a cute, flirty moment.

It was great. I don't have it on this computer, but it really was great. I'd love to meet up with her and take her out and even just go on a single date with her. A single date. Just to prove that extremely beautiful girls aren't way out of my league.

I like her. I'm not in love with her. I barely know her. But I would love to get to know her better and see where it leads.

I hope it leads somewhere good...

Let's hope.


Pursue the Darkness

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Bitch, whore, fucking skank!

Every other obscenity I can scream at her to make her hurt, the way I hurt. It won't have any effect. She doesn't care. For all I know, she never cared.

I always blamed myself. If something was wrong with her, it was my fault. If she felt bad, I did something wrong. If she didn't feel like talking, I did something wrong. If ever there was any problem, it was my fault. I see the truth now.

It wasn't my fault. It was hers. She's either too blind or stupid to know a good thing when she has it. I loved her. I love her. But she didn't care. She treated me like dirt. Worse than dirt. She made me feel the way nobody should ever have to feel. She betrayed me.


And now: a song dedicated to her.

Should've When You Could've - Skillet

I'm done wondering where you've been
All night long when you're out with your friends
All you say, that the matter's over
But now that chapter's over
I'm done trusting you it's ended
Even after I catch you red handed
You could've been my only one
But now your chance is gone

You should've when you could've
You're gonna miss my love, girl
You should, it would've been so good
You should've when I would've
Now I know I've had enough
Better luck next time, girl
You should, it would've been so good

I'm done chasing you all over
May as well be chasing after thunder
Play hard to get if it makes you happy
For a change now you can start chasing me
Don't cry cause I ain't your sure thing
It ain't my fault you don't know a good thing
You could've been my only one
But now your chance is gone

Don't you understand
Don't wanna be your backup plan
Now I won't be here to clean up when it hits the fan
You tried to keep me on your leash
It's time you started chasing me

I'm done acting like I won't be
Sitting here still wishing you wanted me
Don't say that I never told you
Take some advice from somebody who knows

You should've when you could've
You're gonna miss my love, girl
You should, it would've been so good
You should've when I would've
Now I know I've had enough
Better luck next time, girl
You should, it would've been so good

You should've when you could've
You're gonna miss my love, girl
You should, it would've been so good


I found this song to be completely relevant. Not just the chorus, or the verses, but the entire song. -----

On a lighter note - I finally got a phone that works. It's a shitty $49 Nokia something, but it makes and receives phone calls and sends and receives SMS. Which is more than my old phone could do.


Also, Sarah is coming over tonight (I hope). We're going to work on Busman stuff, even though my final SAC is today. It doesn't matter. It'll be good to just watch some movies and get drunk with her.


I'm tired as fuck now. So I'll take a nap for the next 30 mins or so and see if I can feel better afterwards. Before going to class.

Pursue the Darkness

Posted via email from Erebus's posterous

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I don't even know what to say.

She's in a relationship.

I finally removed the guy she's in a relationship with on Facebook.

I now have no ties to her facebook wise, or MSN wise.

I miss her so much.

I just wish I could cry.

I don't even what to think about what my reaction would have been if I was still talking to her.

This is the hardest thing I've ever done.

I love her. But I can't be with her. And it sucks.

I just wish I could move on as easily as she did.

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She was online.

I don't have her added. I don't talk to her. I'm trying to make a clean break. But the urge is there.

She commented on a mutual friends status on Facebook. I've been dreading this moment. To know she's online. And not be able to talk to her. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't.

I don't want to stop talking to the friends she introduced me to. They're good people. I don't want to lose contact with them entirely. But I'm afraid I may have to.

I did it, just to be safe.

I didn't want to. But I had to.

I hope things improve soon.

Once I finish this exam, I'm going to bed.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I know when I'm not wanted.

Especially since it's been happening more and more often, lately.
I don't care any more.
The teacher's can set all the trial exams and homework and preparation they want, but in the end, they're not the ones sitting the exam. They're not the ones under so much stress and pressure from the school, teachers, parents to do well. They say they care. The teachers say they care. They care alright. That big bonus from getting a certain number of students over a certain score means so much more than the actual well-being of the students. There's very few teachers who genuinely care about the well-being of their students. You can tell who they are, not only because they put in the extra time and effort, but they notice a change in the students behavior. Even something slight, and usually unnoticeable. My tutor teacher cares. He's the head of English. Other than tutor, I don't have him for any classes. He cares. He notices a slight change, or something wrong, like this morning. He knew there was something wrong, so he asked me to stay back. I did. He made sure I was okay. He made sure I wasn't too stressed out. He made sure I had ways to cope with everything, and he gave advice on how to handle it.
My English teacher cares when I don't hand in work, or when the school psychiatrist sends an email telling all my teachers to back off me. My Business Management teacher couldn't care less, unless I miss a SAC or something. But he has an air about him that demands respect and obedience. I do the work for that reason. Because I actually want to. He may not care. But he makes me care.
As for my Revolutions teacher... I couldn't give two shits about whether he cared or not. The fact is, I did history in year 10. World Wars, the Great depression, everything we covered earlier throughout our schooling, but much more in depth. Much more interesting. I loved it.
Year 11 came around, and I did two histories. Ancient History. Forgotten Wars. Forgotten Empires. Forgotten Leaders. And it was incredibly interesting. How the people lived hundreds of years ago, before technology gave us the entertainment we're so privileged to have today. Australian History was horrible. How Australia developed, how the Aboriginals were treated, Victoria. It wasn't a great class environment, either. The people in my class made it impossible to learn. I did horribly.
I was turned off history, but decided to give it a second chance. Revolutions. The American Revolution and the Russian Revolution. Ought to be interesting. But my Revolutions teacher does not teach the way I need to be taught. I cannot concentrate or learn in his class. And as a result, I have given up on history all together. I don't care any more.
My IT teacher doesn't seem to understand. "I don't sent much homework, so when I do, I expect it to be done." It's not about the amount of homework set. It's not about the people in the class. It's not about the class itself. I just can't be bothered any more. So fine. Set as many trial exams as you want. Keep me after school. I'm not going to do it either way. "But wouldn't it be easier to just get it over and done with?" It's not that simple. I don't do it just to "get it over and done with." I do it because I see a point in it. I know there's a point in setting trial exams, this close, but what I don't see is hope. When I do IT, I lose hope in myself. I'm the worst in my class. Everyone else has been getting better marks than me all year. And every trial exam or SAC I receive back just screams "You don't know enough! You're going to fail! You're bringing down the rest of the class! Why are you even here? You can't do this! Just give up!" So yes, I procrastinate work. I procrastinate IT mostly, not because I'm lazy, but because right now, my world is falling apart around me, and the only thing I have left is hope. If I lose that, I have nothing. So let me have what little I have in this emotionally devoid world by not forcing me to do IT, and I won't take drastic measures to silence the voices screaming in my head when I do IT.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a detention where I have to do IT.

Pursue the Darkness

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I can't sleep at night.

I'm not sure I'd want to.
I have no regrets over what I did or what happened. She was incredible, and everything I did with her was fantastic. But the grief I put myself through... It wasn't worth it. Maybe another place, another time. But not this time. Not yet.
I need a sign that what I did was right. I know it was right. Doesn't make the pain any less.
Everything reminds me of her. My heart hurt when I listened to music this morning, but I knew I had to keep listening until the pain was dulled, or I became accustomed to it.
I still can't stop thinking about her.

I keep almost falling asleep in class, but I'm awake enough to know what's happening.

I need rest.
Good rest.

Pursue the Darkness
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Posted via email from Erebus's posterous

Monday, October 5, 2009

Smartest, or strongest?

Either way, it was hard. It's tearing me up inside as I type this. I should be typing up an English essay, but this takes priority.

I know I'm going to feel like shit. I already do.

I want it to end. How could I be so stupid? How could I make such a huge mistake? How could I hurt her like that?

But it was necessary.

The amount of grief I cause myself over her...

It was killing me. I couldn't have lasted much longer. I wouldn't have lasted much longer.

I'll always love her. I always did. I always have. I've never doubted that.

But the amount of pain I put myself through, worried about every little thing in our non-existant relationship, and then the reminder that we were never in a relationship. That we wouldn't be in a relationship for at least another 5 months. I don't think I could have lasted the 5 months. Not without driving her away. Not without losing contact with myself. Not without losing myself. Who I really was. It's not healthy for one person in the relationship to need their partner more than they need themselves. And the pressure I added on her was unfair.

We both need this.

I'll hate myself for it for a long time. A very long time.

But it had to be done.

For her.

For me.

For the greater good.


Pursue the Darkness.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

I know this is offensive...

But it was too funny to pass up.



Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

It's who I am...

It's what I do...

And it sucks.

I wish I had the willpower or the strength to change.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Sunday, October 4, 2009


If this is how you want it to be, then this is how it will be!

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Saturday, October 3, 2009


You don't want to talk? You can tell me. But you don't.

Next time you want to talk, you contact me.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

It only took me 6 hours...

But I finally got one IT exam finished. Four more IT, two Business Management,  One English, and Six English Essay plans. I think I'll do the essay plans and a Business Management trial tonight, then finish the rest off tomorrow.

Lets see how I do.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

You can hug my face anytime...

Because you look similar a vagina with legs.

Also, I'd give birth to a Xenomorph, and that would make me very happy.



I really need to get back to work.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

As many of you may know

I've been struggling to find true happiness, on my own.

Last night I realised what I need to reach true happiness.

I'm going to need a lot of Lego.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

They made the crossover movies for a reason...

Alien vs Predator.

Alien is my sexy bitch, and Predator is far from that.


No thanks.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'd love you no matter what you looked like...

Especially if you looked like this:

Xenomorph Queen

I love Xenomorphs so much, I can't even begin to explain it.

The elegance. The strength. The power. The beauty.

Glorious creatures. A magnificent creation.

If they didn't kill me on sight, I'd hug them and kiss them, and take them to bed. Because they're so magnificent and beautiful.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

So many problems?

What do I have going for me?

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"There's a fine line between love and hate.

So why don't you stop hating what you are, and start loving who you are." - Ben Sanderson, October 1st, 2009, 2:15AM.

I know I plan on doing this more often.

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Reality Check

"She said you mean alot to her, and she really cares about you, but it isn't an internet relationship and she doesn't really want you to try and 'woo' her."

I'm guessing that means she wants nothing more than friendship.

I can't be just a friend and watch her be with someone else. I have to leave.

I can't leave.

No matter what I do, my heart gets broken.

And my world comes crashing down around me.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Harden the fuck up"

Because I'm way too sensitive, and the second time I watched this, I felt like crying. I mean seriously... What the fuck?

Just in case it doesn't work...

Although I must admit it's very well done, and the lack of voice acting adds to the effect on the audience, it's from Anything from them is hardly "cry-worthy".

And yes, I am going to be that guy in this situation, one day in the future:
"Today, I went to watch the Movie "UP." At one point in the movie I got really sad and started to cry a bit. The 7 year old girl next to me noticed and told me to shut and man up. FML"
Not really looking forward to it, but it's bound to happen to me. Good fun.


On a side note, I'm really hungry. Only 30 mins until I head down to the shops (which is only a 5 minute walk), and get "lunch", and some snack stuff for all 2 people spending the night. Of the 4 that I invited, 3 will show up, 1 has to leave at 10:30, since he has a lecture tomorrow, and 1 can't come. No idea why.I have all of 4 friends that can actually make it to celebrate my birthday all night, 1 can't come, 1 leaves early. Fun... I do plan on having a real party when I get back from Vietnam in November, but that will be after I've planned out how to get to Darwin, and what else I'm going to do for the rest of my summer, before being forced to work.
Lets see how that goes.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm sorry.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I don't know how to act.

I don't know how to be anything other than what I am.

But you need me to be something else.

And I want to be something else, for you.

Because what I am is destroying me. And it tries to blame itself on you, but I know it isn't you. It really is me.

And I don't want it to be me.

Please. Help me change. For you. To be what you need.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

I wasn't grumpy.

I was depressed.
No matter how much I wish it, and no matter how much I dream it. No matter how much I explain it to you, you don't feel how I feel about you, about me.
You may never feel that way.
Am I wasting my time?
Am I waiting for something that will never be?
Am I in love with someone who only wants to torture me, and break my heart?
I don't know.
I don't.
I love you. You know this.
I want to be with you. You know this.
I wish I was already with you. You know this.
But it seems like you don't care.
You don't want to be with me.
You entertain my whims for a small time, but when it comes right down to it, that's all it is. You humour me, but when it counts, you don't care.
I set myself up this way.
I say things that trigger a response from you, and I already know what the response is. But it's never what I hope for it to be. And I know that it won't be. I know that it won't be, but I do it any way.
And then I question myself.
"What am I doing?"
I'm setting myself up for disappointment. Everyday, I set myself up for disappointment, and then I wonder why i get upset.
But it doesn't matter.
I guess it never mattered.
Will it ever matter?
In the state I'm in right now, I'm compelled to think "No. It will never matter."
Pursue the Darkness

Posted via email from Erebus's posterous

Sunday, September 27, 2009

So many things that can go wrong.

There's so many things that can go wrong with a person. Let's take a quick look at me.

I am:
- Neurotic
- Paranoid
- Obsessive
- Posessive
- Depressive
- Weak
- Self-centered
- Self-absorbed
- Selfish

And I'm doing this all for pity, so I guess we should add that up there.

I walked away. I tried to walk away. I lasted less than 12 hours. I went back. And now...

Now let's look at what I'm worried about right this second:
- What if she likes him better than me?
- What if she prefers him to me?
- What if she never speaks to me again?
- What if she forgets about me?
- What if they made it official?
- Would there be any point in me going up to Darwin to "sweep her off her feet"?
- Did I ever have any real chance with her?
- Do I still have any real chance with her?
- Toay we spoke about our "relationship...
- Was that just a joke?
- Did I take more seriously than her?
- Do I take it too seriously?
- Is she just messing with me?
- She acts like she loves me.
- She tells me she cares.
- She doesn't want to hurt me.
- Why does this happen, regardless?

And yet...

We all have our outlets.

I just never realised what I had to do to calm down. To feel better.

But I feel better now. I just hope it lasts. And I don't have to do it every time I feel like this.

But if I do, it's not hurting anybody. I hope it's not hurting anybody.

I guess we'll just have to see.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm not sleeping sober tonight.

I can't let go.

I can't let go.

And I'm not going to bed sober tonight.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

It's funny how onw phone call...

Can help so much.

Thank you, Paul.

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I didn't want it to be like this.

I didn't want it to end this way, but I had no choice.

Reading back on my old blogs, and all the times I had no idea what to do and how to act, terrified of scaring her away.

I just didn't expect that it would end up with me leaving her. And I still have a broken heart.

I don't know how long I can do this.

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

It's done.

I'm done. Single again. But not.

Not ready to deal with this. Not ready to be alone.

Back to the worst position I've ever been in.

Who knows how long I last before I start running back.

Guess we'll just have to find out.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Is this it?

Is this how it feels to have your heart ripped out? Not just ripped out. Completely and utterly destroyed. Torn into little peices, thrown into a fire and then having the ashes nuked for good measure.

I knew she didn't love me. I knew she didn't care.

I just lived in delusion.

We didn't even make it a month of the 6 we set out.

I should have known it wouldn't last.

We joked, and we messed around and it felt right, but that didn't matter.

I guess I'm back where I was.

Alone. Lost. Broken.

And who would want to fix me?


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Why is it so hard?

Because he can give her something physical. Something real. He can give her what she needs, and I can't. He can do and be everything she needs. While I'm stuck in Melbourne with irrational thoughts, irrational wishes. Irrational hopes and dreams of what will happen when I get up there.

All because she might find someone else before I get up there. And it hurts. I'm so committed to her. But she's not committed to me. And I can't get the thought of them together out of my head. I don't know what he looks like, but I don't need to. She was giddy and nervous and bubbly in preparation for her date, and that's more than she's been for me. There's no way I can be there for her like he is.

I know I said 6 months, and agreed to it, but it wasn't until the other day that I realised how long 6 months can be, and how easily she can find someone else. I didn't expect her to find someone else. I hoped she wouldn't find someone else. Not to replace me. But to be a better me. We're not dating. We're not going out. We're not a couple. So it wouldn't technically be a replacement. I'm not expecting to be replaced, but I am expecting to be sidelined. To be put second to him. If only because he's there for her, and I'm stuck in Melbourne.

She made it feel like we were together. I thought it meant something. Not only does it appear that I was wrong, but it breaks my heart as well. I'm committed to her because I love her so much, but she doesn't reciprocate. How could she? I'm not a great catch. I don't really have much going for me. I drive myself insane. I drive her insane. Maybe she's better off with this new guy instead of me. Alot of people are better off without me, it seems.

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing any more. She doesn't feel the way I feel. She holds back. When we talk I can tell that she's holding back from me. I don't know why. But she doesn't know how I feel about her. She doesn't understand how much it hurts. She can't understand.

The worst part about dreams is that sometimes you see things you don't want to see. And the best thing about being asleep was dreaming of her with me. Now the worst part about being asleep is dreaming of her with him. When I get depressed, I get tired.I used to sleep, and I'd feel better. But how can I sleep when they haunt my dreams together?

I agreed to 6 months, but I didn't realise that this would happen within the first month. And it still is the first month. Only a few days away from the beginning of the second month, but still the first month. If she can do this in the first month, then what can she do in the fifth month, or the final month? What could she do after seeing this guy for a few months?

Sure, she cares about me. But does she care enough to tell her friends about me? I know Biccy. Biccy is a friend of mine now. We talk every now and then, and she helps me with problems I have. But what about her other friends? Does she care enough about me to discuss me with them? Or would they just tell her that I'm not worth it? That she's better off with her new friend, and that ignoring me until the end of the 6 months, or until I get to Darwin is the right thing to do. What if she's still dating this guy when I get up there? Will she dump him for me, or will I be stuck holding the flowers in the rain, as she has dinner on the other side of the window, not realising that I'm there. Leaving me even more broken-hearted than I already am now.


iTunes has an incredible way of picking up on moods and feelings, and playing the most appropriate sing it can find.

Disease - Matchbox Twenty


Feels like you made a mistake
You made somebodys heart break
But now I have to let you go
I have to let you go

You left a stain
On every one of my good days
But I am stronger than you know
I have to let you go

No ones ever turned you over
No ones tried
To ever let you down,
Beautiful girl
Bless your heart

I got a disease
Deep inside me
Makes me feel uneasy baby
I cant live without you
Tell me what I am supposed to do about it
Keep your distance from it
Dont pay no attention to me
I got a disease

Feels like you're making a mess
You're hell on wheels in a black dress
You drove me to the fire
And left me there to burn

Every little thing you do is tragic
All my life, oh was magic
Beautiful girl
I cant breathe

I got a disease
Deep inside me
Makes me feel uneasy baby
I can't live without you
Tell me what I am supposed to do about it
Keep your distance from it
Dont pay no attention to me
I got a disease
I think that I'm sick
But leave me be while my world is coming down on me
You taste like honey, honey
Tell me can I be your honey
Be, be strong
Keep telling myself it that wont take long till
Im free of my disease

Yeah well free of my disease
Free of my disease

I got a disease
Deep inside me
Makes me feel uneasy baby
I cant live without you
Tell me what I am supposed to do about it
Keep your distance from it
Don't pay no attention to me
I got a disease


I think that I'm sick
But leave me be while my world is coming down on me
You taste like honey, honey
Tell me can I be your honey
Be, be strong
Keep telling myself it that wont take long till
I'm free of my disease
Yeah well free of my disease
Free of my disease


I can't walk away from her. But I can't stay and watch her be with someone else. What am I supposed to do? There's no easy decision for this.

I love her, but she doesn't love me. And even if I screamed and yelled it to her, I still don't think she'd understand.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm going insane.

She's gone out for the night. With another guy. A guy she has chemistry with.

How am I supposed to react? I'm completely in love with her. I'd do anything I could for her.

But it's like she doesn't reciprocate. She doesn't understand. She doesn't get how I feel about her.

She says she cares about me. That's not how I feel about her.

What if she prefers him? Will I lose her before I get any real chance with her?

I know nothing will replace me. That's what she says. But just because I can't be replaced doesn't mean I can't be overruled.

I love her. I really do. And I want her to have the best. But what if I'm not the best? What do I do then?


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Thursday, September 24, 2009

There are no rules.

Doesn't mean you can't get hurt.
Doesn't mean things can't go wrong.
Doesn't mean things don't feel the way they should.
Doesn't mean what happens now, won't effect how we feel later.

There's so many things it doesn't mean. I just wish you understood.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I feel so inadequate.

In all my time of posting on these sites, I have about 70 posts... This making it 71. I thought I was doing well by posting 5 times a day at one point, although they were fully loaded posts. Shannyn's record stands at 20 posts a day. With a total of 169 posts, in less than a month.

I've been posting on here for the past few months, and I have 70 posts, with a best of 5 per day. If that weren't bad enough I challenged her to a post off, in order to see who can  "boast the most posts" (try saying that 10 times fast[I got up to 4 before it ran into itself]). I obviously don't stand a chance.

At least some good will come of her posting craze. As soon as she hits 200 posts, in less than a month, we get to have a party. :D
The party will include lots of things starting with "B", including Batman and a blu pinata. I can't remember what else, but I'm sure she'll re-tell me what they are as soon as she reads this.


On a completely unrelated note, I have a trial exam today. A resit of a trial exam. A trial exam I have already done, but did so poorly in, the teacher basically gave us the answers before holidays started, and we have to sit down and redo the exact same exam... I still don't remember the exact answers he wants, so I'm printing off a timeline of both the Russian and American Revolution, and will be reading through that, at least until I have to resit the exam.

Wish me luck.


Pursue the Darkness

Posted via web from Erebus's posterous

Monday, September 21, 2009

You know those movies.

Everybody knows those movies. Back in the 80's where every single male character had slicked back hair, a very poor mustache/beard combination and the big, black sunglasses. Those days were a nightmare, I'm sure. The style itself is a nightmare.

What's even worse is deciding to put your hair up, not realising you are in fact reliving these days and the style (or just plain living them, since I was born after this era), until that night. 8 hours, at least of looking like a bad 80's movie star. And not a good one, either. A very, very bad one.
And so, ladies and gentlemen blog followers, I present to you, my recreation of a bad 80's movie star, on a good day, when the style was at its worse.

Bad 80's style


And now, to distract you:


Pursue the Darkness

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